Last Day Down Under

After more than eleven months in Australia my time here is coming to an end. Tomorrow afternoon I’ll get on the plane to Bangkok and arrive there in the late evening. I’m pretty excited to see Asia. Excited and mildly concerned as well. I don’t have a clue about the language and ripping off tourists […]

Scenic and disgusting

The train route from Belgrade to Bar is said to be one of the most scenic in Europe. I might have mentioned that before actually. The claims are justified. When the train crouches through the Dinaric Alps, cliffs on one side, a kilometre deep drop on the other, the views are absolutely stunning. The mobile […]

Bad Weather

At the moment the Barossa area is getting a lot of rain. That’s bad for me for two reason. Firstly the grapes can’t be harvested when it’s raining because the harvester can’t separate the wet leaves from the fruits. Secondly the grapes had enough rain and any more could do serious damage. The grapes get […]

Zee Germans (a Rant)

Disclaimer: The following text is full of generalizations and does not apply to each and every German. Go to whatever country on earth and ask about peoples’ opinions about Germans. Aside from the old nazi stuff, what you will most likely hear is that Germans are great engineers and hard workers. That certainly is true, […]

North German Plain

Germany, north of Hannover, is pretty much flat throughout. On stormy days the North and Baltic sea are more bumpy than the shores they are bordering. Formed by glacial advances a really long time ago, this part of Germany is now in strong contrast to the mountainous South. Today my dad and I went for […]


“It’s incredible”, “I’m lost for words”, that’s the kind of descriptions other travellers gave of Kotor, a small town at the Adriatic coast. It does have a touristy reputation as well though. Cruise liners drop off their cargo for the day, flooding the old town with holidayers on a spending frenzy. Regardless of that, I […]

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