Off to new Adventures

There it is, all the stuff that is (most likely) going to accompany me in the next couple of months. Two backpacks, cloths, bathroom stuff, electronics (heavy), books (even heavier, especially those illegal copies of the LP), documents, credit cards, cash in four different currencies, etc.. Let the games begin!

In Hindsight

Still no news on the job front. The agency apparently had a bit of trouble and I had to call them twice to get things going. By now all my referees have replied to them and hopefully they’ll provide some feedback to the company early next week. Can’t stand this waiting around without anything to […]

Cannstatter Wasen

“Cannstatter Wasen: prepare for overcrowded trains, delays and maladjusted people” – that message was showing on train departure displays at main station last weekend. The comedian in charge got into trouble with his superiors. Personally I think he should have gotten a commendation but there is no arguing with the wimps in charge of political […]

Belgrade at Night

The local government doesn’t shy away from spending a few tax dollars on illuminating the city’s shiniest buildings. Good reason to grab the camera and head out for an evening/night walk. Both of the above buildings are about three minutes walking distance from the hostel. The church below about 15-20 minutes.

Ninth time’s the Charm

Visited cafĂ© number nine this morning and lo and behold: decent coffee. Still a hipster shop falling for the 100% Arabica folly, plus I had to tell them not to water it down too much, but it was acceptable. Empanada lunch at an Argentinian place was enjoyable as well. What I really enjoyed was conversing […]

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