Land Day

Yesterday evening I got into a conversation with an Israeli guy, also staying at the hostel. As was my plan for this trip, I enquired about his views on the country, the history and the current situation. He is a student at the Jerusalem university and described his political position as left-liberal. He gave me […]

Melaka Bazar

Always on the hunt for a local experience, I asked my host where the locals buy their fresh produce. Melaka Sentral wet market was his recommendation. The term wet market refers to the extensive use of water that is used to keep the merchandise fresh and the floor clean (usually resulting in a wet floor) […]


From all the countries in SEA I was interested in Vietnam the most. Simply because it is the only country I had an idea of before I came here. I heard about it and saw it in movies, books, computer games and a few school lessons. Yet the more I learned about travelling here, the […]

Brisbane 2016

Six weeks in Adelaide already – time flies when you’re enjoying yourself. On Tuesday it was time to move on and in the early afternoon I waved goodbye to my home of 1.5 months through the window of an airplane. The rather tiny E190 jet climbed up and away from the state capital and the […]

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