The Thai Prince

During my time in Chiang Mai I learned how different many Thais see the king and his son, the crown prince. Thais absolutely adore their king and his picture is literally everywhere. Apparently the guy did a lot of good things for the people during his reign and he keeps donating money to charitable causes. […]


Over the past six years, my photography has developed at lot. I started out with a run-of-the-mill point-and-shoot camera (Canon A570 IS) and didn’t have any clue about what I was doing. With every blog post, my interest in using photos as a tool to “tell the story” grew. Slowly I started to learn more […]

More Yangon

I feel really creative with my post titles lately… After yesterdays social times, I had more nice experiences coming today. A local couchsurfer had contacted me a week or two ago and offered to show me around the city. We met in the early afternoon and I learned that she is studying German at the […]

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