Nepali Visa Extension

With the expiry date of my 30 day visa closing in slowly but steadily, it was time for an extension. I had done some research and the sources I came across stated that an extension was easily done and would cost $100 for 90 days (or $40 for 30 days, etc.). Nandu Dai took me […]


Yesterday morning, we navigated our way through the maze of Ason and its surroundings on the way to Ratna Park bus station. With me was the Canadian couple that had taken me along to the orphanage the other day. Our trip was to bring us out of the dusty capital and its valley, and up […]

At the Orphanage

Staying at the same guest house as me was a young Canadian couple whom I’ve had a couple of chats and a really cool jam session with. They mentioned they’d be visiting a local orphanage and asked whether I’d want to come along. I certainly did. They got in touch with the institution through a […]

Monkey Temple #2

Ah, nothing like seeing a goat get slaughtered on the way to breakfast! Just as the previous Saturday, I joined the local volunteer organisation Green Soldiers on their way up to the monkey temple. It’s incredible and sad how fast plastic garbage amasses up there. The government employed cleaners take their job overly easy and […]

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