Noisy Night

Vaguely I remember Deutsche Bahn’s advertisement for overnight trains: “Arrive refreshed at your holiday location”, “Save one day of travelling”, etc. Those reasons and a good experience on a trip to Denmark years ago probably made me decide on the overnight train option. The journey started well. Turns out when you pay a little extra […]

September and October

Right then, time for a little travel review. As written earlier, the stay on the Balkans was great. So this is mostly about the time after I departed Thessaloniki, the time when things got a bit bumpy. Right after Greece, in Morocco, there were ups and downs. Tangier annoyed the crap out of me while […]

German Food

To whatever place I carried my backpack so far, I always wrote about the local food. My home country shall be no exception to that. One of the most unsual (visually) dishes prepared in northern German kitchens is Labskaus. Basically unknown to the south of Germany, this traditional seaman’s dish always creates a raised eyebrow […]

Hello Civilization

Reliable and efficient public transportation, high-speed internet, it’s nice to be back in the civilised world. I said goodbye to Auckland and my Scottish neighbours over a glass of wine and a nice dinner with cheese crackers and filled chicken. In the morning I took the airbus express to the airport and to be fair, […]

Bumpy bumpy

On the road between Pathein and Yangon, about an hour or two to go. This pot-holed parody of a street connects the capital to a city with a population of 300,000, which gives a good idea of the country’s general transport infrastructure. 3G is fairly solid though.

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