Adelaide Activities

As the weather is still quite unstable I had time for some indoor activities. Since of recently I’m proud owner of an Australian bank account, an Australian phone number and an Australian Tax file number.

When the weather allows it, I’m exploring Adelaide city. There are a lot of small shops and I’ve got the feeling there are much less big chains here compared to Germany. The CBD itself is surrounded by large park areas and the river Torrens in the north. The vicinity of city and nature reminds me of my hometown. Although in Adelaide it’s definitely on another scale.

Staying at my friend’s place is very nice, too. A FullHD projector and accompanying sound system make any bad weather a distant memory. On sunny days one hyperactive cat takes care of the entertainment program when I’m enjoying some time in the garden.

Although I’m having a good time here the weather is driving me north. After a long and rainy winter that was led in by a long and wet autumn and ended in a cool and rainy spring I’m feeling like 30+ °C in the shadows. So far Cairns is on top of the “Places to go to” list.

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