Rolling blackout

“A rolling blackout, also referred to as rotational load shedding or feeder rotation, is an intentionally engineered electrical power shutdown where electricity delivery is stopped for non-overlapping periods of time over different parts of the distribution region.” That’s what wikipedia says and what it effectively means is that all of Kathmandu has power for less […]

More Patan

Yesterday at noon I made my way to the Ratna Park bus station, 15 minutes walking from where I’m staying at the moment. I was to take a bus down to Patan, to meet up with local couchsurfer Bibhu. The bus station is in a busy market area (actually most of Kathmandu seems to be) […]

At the Gallery

Ended up in a small art gallery by chance today. Ok maybe not that much by chance but rather by the owner’s brother who chatted me up in the streets. Anyway, early on in the visit I had to crush their hopes of selling anything to me, as I told them I don’t have a […]

Dusty but colourful

It’s incredible, how dusty this city is. Blowing one’s nose is not a pretty sight around here. Dust masks are common in people’s faces and from what I’ve gathered so far, it’ll be a while before the next rain brings relief. Despite the dust, everything in Kathmandu is pretty colourful, especially the clothes. While the […]


Started the day with a walk into Thamel (after breakfast that is) to have a look for some warmer clothing. Pretty much straight after entering the touristy area, I was frequently approached by trekking guides and others, who hope to make a few dollars. One of the guys seemed nice enough and I followed him […]

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