Really big Mountains

Having managed to leave my way too comfortable flat, I drove south to Lake Constance yesterday. The ride took me through some very nice areas not far from Stuttgart – could be something for a day trip.

Near Bregenz I got a room through airbnb. It’s actually a whole flat at the moment as the owners won’t return before tomorrow. As the place is about ten minutes out of town, I had a splendid view with my morning coffee.


Some time in the not too early morning I got back on the bike to see what exploring the Alps would be like. It’s awesome! Less than half an hour into the tour I was on roads that are what one could call a motorcyclists wet dream. Curvy, not too crowded and stunning vistas.


If roads were Hollywood celebrities, these would be Eva Mendes. After about two amazing hours I stopped for lunch. Sat on the balcony. This was the view.


Also had a stopover in Vaduz but that’s not really something to write home about. Two days in the saddle, stiff as a brick. Hope I won’t have to take a break tomorrow.


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